Just the mention of Her — the Church — will cause extreme reactions. Some love Her, some hate Her, and both groups have their reasons. Many people inside and outsideContinue readingThe Church, Messy?
What does God do with a man-made church? Only God knows how many churches have split, closed, or even opened for selfish reasons. It is sad to watch churches ofContinue readingWhy did that church close its doors?
As we shift into focusing on the creation of our body, a clear relationship can be observed between our bodies and the inventions men create. The demand for new machinesContinue readingThe Body and Its Mechanics
In many households today, the number of vehicles equals the number of drivers. Various vehicles sit just waiting to be driven or for batteries to be charged as the on-boardContinue readingOwnership & Operation
PART 2: Three Elements of the Church In our attempts to deal with the pollution issue and shrink the mountain of waste, our society divides the garbage into several smallerContinue readingToo Busy to Separate Piles
PART 1: Have you thrown the church on a recycling pile? Many valuable items have been pulled out of a dumpster or dumpsite; even the second-century piece of the GospelContinue readingSeparating Piles
Is there a church in existence that does not desire numeric growth? How closely connected are numeric and spiritual growth? Moreover, Paul addressed the congregation as “worldly” and not spiritualContinue readingGod’s Grade
A church can be turned into or even start as an organization. Unfortunately, it would not portray God’s original intent. In an organization, parts can fail and be eliminated withContinue readingThe Organized Church